Tornado Warning: Colby Kansas, May 28, 2018
The sound of hail hammering my windshield and thunder booming from above. Jagged spider legs of light cracking through a dark, colorful, hysterical sea of sky. There’s nothing quite as exhilarating. It's the perfect performance of beauty and danger. The only thing missing is some rotation overhead. As my tiny hands grip the black leather steering wheel trying hard to keep the car rolling straight along, my eyes bugged out and barely blinking, I scan the atmosphere in search of one of those swirling, twirling funnels I've been dying to see my whole life. Trees shed loose limbs. Horses and cows huddle for safety. Winds howling like a freight train's coming. I turn off the main drag of road to watch the storm unfold. For a moment I'm content and almost peaceful. Then my car starts rocking back and forth in park just enough to make me wonder if I could be carried away. Instead of paralyzing me, the thought of losing control sends shock waves and pangs of fear ricocheting through my system. Ignited by adrenaline, I'm rocketed back out onto that saturated, isolated road. Hotel bound. Or perhaps diner bound for some breakfast for dinner, and good old-fashioned local-tourist conversation with lovely folks I'll likely never meet again. This is my idea of vacation. Or at least one of them. Thank you, Kansas – for getting me in touch with my inner Helen Hunt and letting me live out my lifelong dream of chasing big scary storms through the heartland.